Worker’s Comp

For nearly all workplaces, it is required by state law that Worker’s Comp insurance is active for all employees. If you are injured on the job, you are entitled to receive medical attention covered by Worker’s Comp at no cost to you.

You deserve care during your recovery, that’s why we support Worker’s Comp claims.

I know managing a claim and also dealing with injury can be challenging. Please let me know how I can help you.

Most Worker’s Comp claims have a time period where you can seek care with any provider you choose so long as you have a prescription/referral. Please note, after a certain time period or determination, some Worker’s Comp claims are handled by or transferred to “managed care” MCOs – if your claim has transitioned to an MCO, you may need to find a provider who is contracted with the specific MCO. Just know, until your claim is transitioned, as long as the claim is open and active and you have medical necessity, you can select the provider of your choice. Always ask your adjustor to confirm any questions.

Steps to book:

  1. Select a date at least 2 weeks away when you schedule so we have time to confirm your benefits
  2. Select FIRST VISIT: MVA / Worker’s Comp Medical Appointment at
  3. Complete the MVA / Worker’s Comp Information Form, and the Online Intake Form
  4. Be sure to have your prescription/referral ready – we will request you or your provider fax it to our office
  5. If you have any questions or need help, contact caringportland @
  6. We will get back to you as soon as possible after your information is confirmed and benefits are checked – it may take up to 2 weeks but we try to confirm within days

You can receive massage from a Licensed Massage Therapist with a Letter of Medical Necessity (prescription) from a qualified medical provider. Typically, 6 one hour massages are approved at a time.

First step for you is to visit your medical provider. In most cases, this will be your primary care physician. They will assess your condition and make diagnoses, direct you to imaging or RX prescription and can offer a prescription for massage. Massage is a powerful tool to support accident recovery as it both helps relax and strengthen muscles that are strained by whiplash, impact, airbag contact, trip/falls and jostling. Massage also reduces the intensity and frequency of headaches, can help resolve nerve sensations, release scar pain, and reduce stress, anxiety or depression that may result from not being able to work or having to return to work while still in pain.

The next step is completing all the necessary paperwork or online forms that are submitted to Worker’s Comp. This is how you get your claim number and are assigned an adjuster who can let you know your benefits status.

Once you have a claim number and an adjuster’s contact information, you can complete our online intake at We can follow up to confirm your session is approved and take care of the rest.

Please note that if you are receiving treatment from a Physical Therapist, Chiropractor or Acupuncturist as well as an LMT, it is advised that you book your appointments on separate days of the week. PTs, Chiros and LaCs can bill the same codes as an LMT which can cause crossed-wires for billing purposes. You’ll be doing everyone a big favor by keeping the appointments on separate days.